Friday 29 April 2016

Scientist print artificial bones on 3D printer

                                                              Artificial 3D Bone Printer

                   Reserches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT),USA annunced that they had develop a method for printing artificial bones on a 3D printer. The new technology allows for printing physical samples of artificial bones in just a few hours . They used computer optimised design of soft and stiff polymersplaced in geomatric patteerns thatreplicate nature,s own patterns and a 3D printer that prints with two polymers at once.
       The reserches produced samples of synthetic materials that have fracture behaviour similar to real bone. one of these synthetic materials is 22 times more fracture resistent than it,s strongest constituent material . The scientist achieved this feat by altering its hierarchical design.The geomatric patterns they used in the synthetic materials are based on those seen in natural materials like bone or nacre,but also include new designs that do not exist in nature

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