Friday, 29 April 2016

    China Makes World,s Fastest SuperComputers 


According to china,s Defence Scientists have built the world,s fastest supercomputer. The computer,Tianhe-2 possesess speeds of 33.86 peteflops (1000 trilllion calculations) per second . It surpassed the US,s Titan computer ,the previous record holder ,which has a speed of 17.59 petaflops per second . Benchmarketing tests  showed that Tianhe-2 is by far  the fastest computers ever made.The computers predecessor , Tianhe-1A, was the world,s fastest till june 2011, when it was surpassed  by K computers of japan . Tianhe-2, or Milky way-2,will be develped at the National SuperComputers centre in Guangzhou.                                                                          Unlike some of its chinese predecessors, most of the parts of "Tianhe-2" are develped in china ,except for its main processors which are designed by US firm Intel. Tianhe-2 has 16000 nodes ,each with two intel Xeon IvyBridge Processors and three Xeon Phi Processors for a combined total of 3,120,000 computing cores.  
The latest survey said that five of the world,s 10 Fastest systems were  installed in US,with  two in china ,two in Germony and one in japan . Despite in ceding the top rank to china,the US still dominates the overall supercomputers ranking, with 252 of its systems making it to be the top 500 in the world .
Generally,Such supercomputers are meant for use in defence and scientific purposes and are not  commercially avialable . Tianhe-2 could also be used for communication purposes, giving it access to high bandwidth.


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