Friday, 29 April 2016

A camera that can captured smell


hi guys can you hear about the smelling camera no, i have to introduced about the smelling camera , a research in Britain has develped a camera which has the stunning ability to capture smell. thanks to the new invention,it will now be possible to capture the aroma of one birthday,s cake or the fregrence of shampoo of one,s lover the special feature of this special revolutionary camera is that it record smells instead of images. The new gadget,invented by "Ammy Redcliff" is called "Medaleine".She said that the camera was result of her endeavours to be able to bring a  more meaningfull sensory dimentions to storing one,s  favourite memories,because smell has a  direct link to emotional memory.
                                           In order to use the camera ,users need to place a funnel attached to the camera over the object or enviornment they wish to capture then a pump sucks the air across an odour trap made of Tenax. Tenax is a porous polymer resin which adsorbs the particles that make up the smells. The working prototype requires different lenghts of time to capture the smells of  different targets. To capture the beautiful fragranceof a flower it may take just minutes.But in cases of subtle smells or an assortment of smells-such as that of the atmosphere in a certain place-the camera may require up to 24 hours.
                                         The camera ,according to experts,can be copared to a huge electronic nose. It processes the particles to produce  a graph like  formula that makes up a specific smells. From this formula.a user can artificially recreate the precise odour. 

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