Friday, 29 April 2016

A Patch That can Deliver Vaccines Without Any Injection

        A Patch That Can Deliver Vaccines Without Any Injection

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       An Australian scientist named Professor Mark Kendall that he had come up with a patch--dubbed the Nanopatch --which can deliver vaccinations without any injections.The best things about this innovative patch is that it can be made for less than a US dollar. The Nanopatch uses only a hundredth of the vaccine dose delivered by will mainly be used in the developing world. Prof.Kendall said that with the help of his creation ,the cost of vaccine that currently costs $10 can be brought down to just 10 cents.                                                                                                        The patch substitutes the single point of an injection thousands of tiny projections perforating the skin.currently avialable vaccines are liquid and must be kept refrigerated when in storage. In contrast, the new patch can be kept at 23*celsiusfor a year.The noval patch has been succesfully tested to administer flu vaccines at Queensland University,Australia.Advanced tests are currently underway in Papua New Guinea to help tackle the human papilloma virus which causes cervical cancer.

New formula Turns Cement Into Metal

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sciencetists working for an international team have discoved a normal formula for turning liquid cement into liquid metal . The formula makes cement a semi conductor , opeaning the possibility of its use in the consumer electronics market for thin films,protecting coatings and computer chips.
                                     The formula provides for a unique way to make metallic glass material.Things made this made have many possitive attributes including better resistance to corrosion than traditional matel and less brightleness then traditional glass. These attributes also include conductivity,low energy loss in magnetic field, and fluidity for ease of processing and moulding

chip pehchanega cancer koshika


                                                                                                                                 शोधकर्ताओं ने एक  कम लागत वाली तकनीक विकसित की है। जिसके माध्यम से रक्त के नमूने से ही कैंसर कोशिका की पहचान हो सकेगी। यदि शारीर में ट्यूमर बनने की शुरूवात हो गयी है , तो एक चिप के माध्यम से रक्त की जाँच से ही इसका  पता चल जाएगा।  अब तक ट्यूमर की पहचान के लिए शरीर में पड़ी गांठ को ऑपरेशन करके निकालने के बाद बायोप्सी  से ही कैंसर का पता चल सकता है।       "सेमका "  नामक यह चिप मेक्सिको के"नेशनल कौंसिल  ऑन साइंस एंड टेक्नोलॉजी" के युवा शोधकर्ताओं की एक टीम ने विकसित की है , जो रक्त की जाँच से ही बता देगी की शरीर में कैंसरग्रस्त कोशिकायें है यां नहीं।  26 वर्षीय "अलेजेद्रो अंबारका" ने बताया कि धमनी को पंचर करके निकाले गए रक्त को इस चिप से परखा जाता है।  कोशिकाओं में विघुत चार्ज के आधार पर उसके ट्यूमर युक्त होने यां स्वस्थ होने का पता चलता है। इस विधि से कैंसर मरीजों के इलाज की प्रगति पर भी सफलता से नज़र राखी जा सकती है 

Ab Ultrasound main haddi dhatu ke par Dekhna Sambhav

            एक रिपोर्ट के अनुसार  अमेरिका की नार्थ कैरोलीना स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी के अनुसंधानकर्ता ने एक ऐसी तकनीक विकसित की है , जिसमे अल्ट्रासाउंड में हड्डी और धातु के आर पार देखना संभव होगा । अल्ट्रासाउंड की किरणे ठोस परतों , जैसे हड्डी और धातु के पार नहीं जा सकती । इसलिए अल्ट्रासाउंड में अब तक पेट की मांसपेशियों के पार ही देखा जा सकता था । किन्तु एक नए प्रकार का मेटा मेटीरियल तैयार किये जाने के बाद अल्ट्रासाउंड की तकनीक उत्करिस्ट परिणाम देगी । 
                                                  इस नयी तकनीक में अल्ट्रासाउंड में  मस्तिस्क में रक्त के पर्वाह तक की निगरानी संभव होगी । इससे मस्तिस्क के ट्यूमर को देखना संभव होगा । इससे इसका इलाज भी पहले से सरल हो जाएगा । नार्थ केरोलिना स्टेट यूनिवर्सिटी के प्रमुख शोधकर्ता और पीएचडी के विद्दार्थी "टैरी चैन शेन "ने बताया की इस मेटा मेटीरियल का प्रयोग मकेनिकल और एयरोस्पेस इंजीनियरिंग के लिए भी हो सकता है   
      स्टील से दस गुना अधिक बुलेट प्रूफ है ग्राफीन


            नवीनतम शोध में ज्ञात हुआ है की नया पदार्थ ग्राफीन स्टील की अपेक्षा दस गुना अधिक बुलेट प्रूफ है।   अमेरिका स्थित राइज यूनिवर्सिटी के शोधकर्ताओं ने परिक्षण के अंतर्गत सुपर सोनिक स्पीड से (ध्वनि की गति से ) माइक्रो बुलेट्स को ग्राफीन पर टकराया।  इसमें उन्होंने पाया की गॉफिन बुलेट को रोकने मे अधिक  सक्षम है ।  ग्राफीन अपनी घनी सरचना के कारण अत्यअधिक मजबूत होता है । किन्तु इसका प्रयोग अब तक सुरक्षा कवच  के रूप में  नहीं  किया गया था ।  वर्तमान समय मे बुलेट प्रूफ जैकेट में केलवर  का प्रयोग   किया जाता है ।  परिक्षण मे  ग्राफीन  केलवर  से  दो गुना अधिक और स्टील से  दस  गुन्हा  अधिक स्टील  निकला । कम  लागत में ग्राफीन  अधिक मजबूत सुरक्षा दे सकता है । यह शोध "साइंस" जर्नल में प्रकाशित हुआ है

US Develps Robot Bird for use in Survillance

                                                                                                                   US army successfully develop a  realistic robot bird to be used for suvillance purposes. The "Robo Raven" is so life like that it has tricked real pradactory birds to attack it midair. The US army develped the robotic bird  in collaboration with a team of scientists from the university of Maryland,USA.It can glide,soar and flap like a real bird.
               Robo Raven,s complete individual wing control allows for extreme acrobatics that no other mechanical bird has ever been able to achive. what exites the reserches most is its light weight and the ability to hide in plain sight .Also,it is much quieter than the helicopter or propeller . Therfore,s it can get much closer to enimes without revealling its presence.
               The robot bird is made out of carbon fibre,3D-Printed lightweight thermal resistance-plastic,Mylar file and foam. The lenght of the geomatrically comlex figure is less than two feet and weight less than a standard can of liquid. In the final tests,the bird was able to carry a small video camera, could be launched from a ground robot named the "Lynchbot" and could fly in winds up to 10 miles per hour . These were important breakthroughs for robotic micro air vehicles that would one day be used in survillance and reconnaissance.     
    China Makes World,s Fastest SuperComputers 


According to china,s Defence Scientists have built the world,s fastest supercomputer. The computer,Tianhe-2 possesess speeds of 33.86 peteflops (1000 trilllion calculations) per second . It surpassed the US,s Titan computer ,the previous record holder ,which has a speed of 17.59 petaflops per second . Benchmarketing tests  showed that Tianhe-2 is by far  the fastest computers ever made.The computers predecessor , Tianhe-1A, was the world,s fastest till june 2011, when it was surpassed  by K computers of japan . Tianhe-2, or Milky way-2,will be develped at the National SuperComputers centre in Guangzhou.                                                                          Unlike some of its chinese predecessors, most of the parts of "Tianhe-2" are develped in china ,except for its main processors which are designed by US firm Intel. Tianhe-2 has 16000 nodes ,each with two intel Xeon IvyBridge Processors and three Xeon Phi Processors for a combined total of 3,120,000 computing cores.  
The latest survey said that five of the world,s 10 Fastest systems were  installed in US,with  two in china ,two in Germony and one in japan . Despite in ceding the top rank to china,the US still dominates the overall supercomputers ranking, with 252 of its systems making it to be the top 500 in the world .
Generally,Such supercomputers are meant for use in defence and scientific purposes and are not  commercially avialable . Tianhe-2 could also be used for communication purposes, giving it access to high bandwidth.


Scientist print artificial bones on 3D printer

                                                              Artificial 3D Bone Printer

                   Reserches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT),USA annunced that they had develop a method for printing artificial bones on a 3D printer. The new technology allows for printing physical samples of artificial bones in just a few hours . They used computer optimised design of soft and stiff polymersplaced in geomatric patteerns thatreplicate nature,s own patterns and a 3D printer that prints with two polymers at once.
       The reserches produced samples of synthetic materials that have fracture behaviour similar to real bone. one of these synthetic materials is 22 times more fracture resistent than it,s strongest constituent material . The scientist achieved this feat by altering its hierarchical design.The geomatric patterns they used in the synthetic materials are based on those seen in natural materials like bone or nacre,but also include new designs that do not exist in nature

A camera that can captured smell


hi guys can you hear about the smelling camera no, i have to introduced about the smelling camera , a research in Britain has develped a camera which has the stunning ability to capture smell. thanks to the new invention,it will now be possible to capture the aroma of one birthday,s cake or the fregrence of shampoo of one,s lover the special feature of this special revolutionary camera is that it record smells instead of images. The new gadget,invented by "Ammy Redcliff" is called "Medaleine".She said that the camera was result of her endeavours to be able to bring a  more meaningfull sensory dimentions to storing one,s  favourite memories,because smell has a  direct link to emotional memory.
                                           In order to use the camera ,users need to place a funnel attached to the camera over the object or enviornment they wish to capture then a pump sucks the air across an odour trap made of Tenax. Tenax is a porous polymer resin which adsorbs the particles that make up the smells. The working prototype requires different lenghts of time to capture the smells of  different targets. To capture the beautiful fragranceof a flower it may take just minutes.But in cases of subtle smells or an assortment of smells-such as that of the atmosphere in a certain place-the camera may require up to 24 hours.
                                         The camera ,according to experts,can be copared to a huge electronic nose. It processes the particles to produce  a graph like  formula that makes up a specific smells. From this formula.a user can artificially recreate the precise odour.